More Orthopaedic Specialties and More Advanced Care

Shoreline Orthopaedics offers a full spectrum of advanced care options, including complex and minimally invasive surgery, nonsurgical treatments, and rehabilitation.

From fractured bones, sprained or strained muscles and tendons, and overuse injuries, to chronic back pain, joint replacements, arthritis, and other problems of the musculoskeletal system, Shoreline Orthopaedics is here to help. Our specialists are experienced in the latest advancements in treatment, techniques, technologies, and rehabilitation to get you back to your daily routine as quickly as possible.

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Person walking on treadmill highlighting Bone Health

The Bone Health and Osteoporosis Clinic at Shoreline Orthopaedics

Osteoporosis increases your risk for fracturing your hip, wrist, spine, or any other bone. If you’ve fractured one bone due to osteoporosis, you’re much more likely to fracture another—often within the following year. Shoreline Orthopaedics is here with the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Clinic to help you prevent osteoporosis, avoid fractures, and improve the health of your bones.

Bone Health and Osteoporosis Clinic

Get the HURT! App for Free Injury Advice in Minutes

Shoreline Orthopaedics and the HURT! app have partnered to give you virtual access to a network of orthopaedic specialists, ready to offer guidance for injuries and ongoing bone or joint problems, 24/7/365.

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Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

Shoreline Orthopaedics offers orthopaedic Durable Medical Equipment (DME) to support your recovery and rehabilitation. Our experts provide instructions for use and help ensure proper fitting for the best possible outcome.

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Percutaneous Tenotomy (TENEX)

This minimally invasive procedure can eliminate chronic tendon pain at the source. Patented ultrasound technology is used to precisely target and remove painful, damaged tissue and help stimulate healing. Want to find out if TENEX could help you?

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3D Digital Motion Capture Technology—DARI Motion

The DARI system uses eight high-speed cameras to scan your body’s movement from multiple angles, within minutes, allowing us to see and measure your ability to move from different perspectives, simultaneously. Using this deeper insight into your motion health, we’re able to provide a more personalized, targeted plan of care to help improve your performance, reduce risks for injury, track your progress, and potentially lead you to a faster recovery and better outcome.