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    • Neck and Back (Spine)
    • Pediatric Injuries

    Backpack Safety

    Backpacks that are too heavy or are worn incorrectly can cause a variety of problems for people of any age, especially children and teenagers. An improperly used backpack can injure muscles and joints, leading to severe back, neck and shoulder pain, as well as posture problems. However, backpacks do not cause scoliosis.

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    • Joint Disorders
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    • Pediatric Injuries

    Bone, Joint & Muscle Infections in Children

    Children can develop “deep” infections in their bones (osteomyelitis), joints (septic arthritis), or muscles (pyomyositis). The most common locations for deep muscle infections are the large muscle groups of the thigh, groin and pelvis. Children who have infections of their bones, joints, or muscles often have fever, pain, and limited movement of the infected area.

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    • Elbow
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    Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)

    Medial epicondylitis, often known as golfer’s elbow, is a painful condition that occurs when overuse results in inflammation of the tendons that join the forearm muscles to the inside of the bone at the elbow.

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    • Fractures, Sprains & Strains
    • Pediatric Injuries
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    Growth Plate Fractures

    A child’s long bones do not grow from the center outward. Instead, growth occurs in the growth plates—areas of developing cartilage located near the ends of long bones. The growth plate regulates growth and helps determine the length and shape of the mature bone. A child’s bones heal faster than an adult’s so it is extremely important for your child’s injured bone to receive proper treatment immediately, before it can begin to heal.

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    • Pediatric Injuries
    • Sports Medicine

    High School Sports Injuries

    Teenage athletes are injured at approximately the same rate as professional athletes, but because they are often still growing, it is extremely important seek proper treatment immediately. A child’s bones grow at a different rate of speed from that of muscles and tendons. This uneven growth pattern makes younger athletes more susceptible to muscle and tendon injuries, and growth plate fractures.

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    • Joint Disorders
    • Knee
    • Pediatric Injuries
    • Sports Medicine

    Jumper’s Knee

    Repetitive contraction of the quadriceps muscles in the thigh can stress the patellar tendon where it attaches to the kneecap, causing inflammation and tissue damage (patellar tendinitis). For a child, this repetitive stress on the tendon can irritate and injure the growth plate, resulting in a condition referred to as Sinding-Larsen-Johansson disease.

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    • Neck and Back (Spine)
    • Pediatric Injuries
    • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R)

    Kyphosis (Roundback) of the Spine

    The term kyphosis is used to describe the spinal curve that results in an abnormally rounded back. Although some degree of rounded curvature of the spine is normal, a kyphotic curve that is more than 50° is considered abnormal. There are several types and causes of kyphosis: postural kyphosis, Scheuermann’s kyphosis, and congenital kyphosis.

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    • Knee
    • Pediatric Injuries
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    Osgood-Schlatter Disease

    In Osgood-Schlatter disease, children have pain at the front of the knee due to inflammation of the growth plate (tibial tubercle) at the upper end of the shinbone (tibia). When a child participates in sports or other strenuous activities, the quadriceps muscles of the thigh pull on the patellar tendon which, in turn, pulls on the tibial tubercle. In some children, this repetitive traction on the tubercle leads to the inflammation, swelling and tenderness of an overuse injury.

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    • Joint Disorders
    • Knee
    • Pediatric Injuries
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    Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD)

    Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is a joint condition that occurs when a small segment of bone separates from its surrounding region due to a lack of blood supply. As a result, the bone segment and cartilage covering it begin to crack and loosen. OCD develops most often in children and adolescents, frequently in the knee, at the end of the femur (thighbone).

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    • Pediatric Injuries
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    Overuse Injuries in Children

    Although the benefits of athletic activity are significant, young athletes are at greater risk for injury than adults because they are still growing. Some children play on multiple team sat the same time while others participate in one sport, all year long. Repetitive use of the same muscle groups places unchanging stress to specific areas of the body, leading to muscle imbalances that, when combined with overtraining and inadequate rest periods, can put children at serious risk for overuse injuries.

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    • Knee
    • Pediatric Injuries
    • Sports Medicine

    Patella Tendinitis & Patella Tendinosis

    Pain in the patella tendon is a common problem, especially in people who participate extensively in running or jumping activities. Pain in the patella tendon can be separated into two main conditions: patella tendinitis and patella tendinosis.

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    • Foot & Ankle
    • Pediatric Injuries

    Pes Plano Valgus (Flexible Flatfoot in Children)

    When a child with flexible flatfoot stands, the arch of the foot disappears. The arch reappears when the child is sitting or standing on tiptoes. Although called “flexible flatfoot,” this condition always affects both feet.

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    • Neck and Back (Spine)
    • Pediatric Injuries
    • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R)


    Scoliosis is a common condition of the spine that affects many children and adolescents. Unlike a normal spine that runs straight down the middle of the back, a spine with scoliosis forms a sideways curve that may look like a letter “C” or “S.” Scoliosis can cause the spine to rotate or turn, resulting in a shoulder, shoulder blade (scapula), or hip that appears higher than the other.

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    • Foot & Ankle
    • Pediatric Injuries
    • Sports Medicine

    Sever’s Disease

    Sever’s disease (also known as osteochondrosis or apophysitis) is an inflammatory condition of the growth plate in the heel bone (calcaneus). One of most common causes of heel pain in children, Sever’s Disease often occurs during adolescence when children hit a growth spurt.

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    • Neck and Back (Spine)
    • Pediatric Injuries
    • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R)
    • Sports Medicine

    Spondylolysis & Spondylolisthesis

    Many people with spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis do not experience obvious symptoms or pain. Often, a patient visits the doctor for activity-related lower back pain, only to be surprised by the diagnosis. Patients may experience what feels like a muscle strain, with pain that spreads across lower back, and is sometimes accompanied by leg pain. Spondylolisthesis can also cause spasms that stiffen the back and tighten hamstring muscles, resulting in changes to posture and gain.

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    • Elbow
    • Pediatric Injuries
    • Sports Medicine

    Throwing Injuries to the Elbow in Children

    The beginning of baseball season in spring is often followed by an increase in overuse injuries in young baseball players, particularly pitchers and other players who throw repetitively. Two of the most frequent throwing injuries to the elbow are medial apophysitis (little leaguer’s elbow), and osteochondritis dissecans.

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