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    • Arthritis
    • Joint Disorders
    • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R)

    Arthritis Overview

    According to estimates, one in every five people living in the United States has signs or symptoms of arthritis in at least one joint. There are many types of arthritis, but most fall into one of two major categories: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, or RA. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the United States and it affects millions of people. Approximately half of all sufferers are under age 50.

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    • Minimally Invasive Surgery (Arthroscopy)

      Arthroscopy (Minimally Invasive Surgery)

      Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used by orthopaedic surgeons to visualize, diagnose, and treat problems inside the joint. Because it requires only tiny incisions, arthroscopy can be performed without a major, invasive operation and many procedures can be done on an outpatient basis.

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      • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R)


      Fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by widespread pain and tenderness to the touch. Other symptoms commonly associated with fibromyalgia are fatigue, waking unrefreshed, depression, anxiety and memory problems. Numbness and tingling, weakness, urinary frequency, diarrhea and constipation may be present, as well.

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      • Hand & Wrist
      • Joint Disorders

      Ganglion Cyst

      A ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled mass or lump. Although they can develop in various locations, the most common location is on the back of the wrist. Ganglion cysts are not cancerous. In most cases, ganglion cysts are harmless and do not require treatment. If, however, the cyst becomes painful, interferes with function, or has an unacceptable appearance, several treatment options are available.

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      • Joint Disorders
      • Knee

      Knee Osteonecrosis

      Osteonecrosis, which literally means “bone death,” is a painful condition that develops when a segment of bone loses its blood supply and begins to die. Osteonecrosis of the knee most often occurs in the knobby portion of the thighbone, on the inside of the knee (medial femoral condyle). It may also occur on the outside of the knee (lateral femoral condyle) or on the flat top of the lower leg bone (tibial plateau).

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      • Arthritis
      • Joint Disorders
      • Knee

      Knee Osteotomy

      Osteotomy literally means “cutting of the bone.” When early-stage osteoarthritis has damaged just one side of the knee joint, or when malalignment of the knee causes increased stress to ligaments or cartilage, a knee osteotomy may be performed to reshape either the tibia (shinbone) or femur (thighbone) to relieve pressure on the joint.

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      • Neck and Back (Spine)
      • Pediatric Injuries
      • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R)

      Kyphosis (Roundback) of the Spine

      The term kyphosis is used to describe the spinal curve that results in an abnormally rounded back. Although some degree of rounded curvature of the spine is normal, a kyphotic curve that is more than 50° is considered abnormal. There are several types and causes of kyphosis: postural kyphosis, Scheuermann’s kyphosis, and congenital kyphosis.

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      • Joint Disorders
      • Shoulder
      • Sports Medicine

      Shoulder Dislocation

      A dislocated shoulder occurs when the head of the upper arm bone (humerous) is either partially or completely out of its socket (glenoid). Whether it is a partial dislocation (subluxation) or the shoulder is completely dislocated, the result can be pain and unsteadiness in the shoulder.

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      • Fractures, Sprains & Strains
      • Joint Disorders
      • Ligament Disorders
      • Shoulder
      • Sports Medicine

      Shoulder Separation (AC Joint Sprain)

      A shoulder separation is actually an injury to the AC joint, not the shoulder joint. It is commonly the result of a direct fall onto the shoulder that injures the ligaments that surround and stabilize the AC joint.

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      • Fractures, Sprains & Strains
      • Sports Medicine

      Stress Fracture

      Stress fractures are common sports injuries that occur due to overuse. As muscles become increasingly fatigued and less able to absorb the added shock of a sports activity, the overload of stress is eventually transferred to the bone, resulting in a tiny crack called a stress fracture.

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      • Elbow
      • Pediatric Injuries
      • Sports Medicine

      Throwing Injuries to the Elbow in Children

      The beginning of baseball season in spring is often followed by an increase in overuse injuries in young baseball players, particularly pitchers and other players who throw repetitively. Two of the most frequent throwing injuries to the elbow are medial apophysitis (little leaguer’s elbow), and osteochondritis dissecans.

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      • Fractures, Sprains & Strains
      • Hand & Wrist
      • Joint Disorders
      • Ligament Disorders
      • Sports Medicine

      Wrist Sprains

      Sprained wrists are often caused by a fall, such as onto an outstretched hand, or when the joint is bent forcefully or suddenly twisted. Wrist sprains are graded according to the degree of injury to the ligaments, and they can range from mild to severe.

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