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Shoreline Orthopaedics and the HURT! app have partnered to give you virtual access to a network of orthopaedic specialists, ready to offer guidance for injuries and ongoing bone or joint problems, 24/7/365.

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    • Foot & Ankle
    • Joint Disorders


    A bunion is a bump on the MTP joint, on the inner border of the foot. Bunions are made of bone and soft tissue, covered by skin that may be red and tender. Prolonged wearing of poorly fitting shoes is by far the most common cause of bunions, especially styles that feature a narrow, pointed toe box that squeezes the toes into an unnatural position. Bunions also have a strong genetic component.

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    • Hand & Wrist

    De Quervain’s Tendinitis

    De Quervain’s tendinitis occurs when the tendons around the base of the thumb become irritated or swollen, causing the synovium around the tendon to swell and changing the shape of the compartment, which makes it difficult for the tendons to move properly.

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    • Diagnostics & Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

    Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

    Shoreline Orthopaedics offers Durable Medical Equipment (DME) designed to address a wide variety of orthopaedic conditions and musculoskeletal issues. Our experts will provide the necessary instructions for use and help with fitting for the best possible outcome.

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    • Fractures, Sprains & Strains
    • Hand & Wrist

    Finger Fracture

    When just one finger bone is fractured, it can cause the entire hand to be out of alignment, making use of your hand difficult and painful. Without proper treatment, that stiffness and pain may become permanent. In addition to pain, common symptoms of a fractured finger may include swelling, tenderness, bruising, or a deformed appearance or inability to move the injured finger.

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    • Joint Disorders
    • Knee

    Knee Osteonecrosis

    Osteonecrosis, which literally means “bone death,” is a painful condition that develops when a segment of bone loses its blood supply and begins to die. Osteonecrosis of the knee most often occurs in the knobby portion of the thighbone, on the inside of the knee (medial femoral condyle). It may also occur on the outside of the knee (lateral femoral condyle) or on the flat top of the lower leg bone (tibial plateau).

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    • Arthritis
    • Joint Disorders
    • Knee

    Knee Osteotomy

    Osteotomy literally means “cutting of the bone.” When early-stage osteoarthritis has damaged just one side of the knee joint, or when malalignment of the knee causes increased stress to ligaments or cartilage, a knee osteotomy may be performed to reshape either the tibia (shinbone) or femur (thighbone) to relieve pressure on the joint.

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    • Joint Disorders
    • Knee
    • Pediatric Injuries
    • Sports Medicine

    Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD)

    Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is a joint condition that occurs when a small segment of bone separates from its surrounding region due to a lack of blood supply. As a result, the bone segment and cartilage covering it begin to crack and loosen. OCD develops most often in children and adolescents, frequently in the knee, at the end of the femur (thighbone).

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    • Knee
    • Pediatric Injuries
    • Sports Medicine

    Patella Tendinitis & Patella Tendinosis

    Pain in the patella tendon is a common problem, especially in people who participate extensively in running or jumping activities. Pain in the patella tendon can be separated into two main conditions: patella tendinitis and patella tendinosis.

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    • Foot & Ankle
    • Sports Medicine

    Peroneal Tendon Injuries

    Basic types of peroneal tendon injuries are tendinitis, acute and degenerative tears, and subluxation. Peroneal tendon injuries occur most commonly in individuals who participate in sports that involve repetitive or excessive ankle motion. People with higher arches have an increased risk for developing peroneal tendon injuries.

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    • Hip
    • Neck and Back (Spine)
    • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R)


    Most common between 30 and 50 years of age, sciatica is a pain in your lower back or hip that radiates to the back of your thigh and into your leg. Often people think that the source of the pain is the buttock, hip or thigh and seek medical care for a “hip” problem only to learn that the source of the pain is the lower back.

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    • Arthritis
    • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R)
    • Shoulder

    Shoulder Arthritis

    Over time, the shoulder joint frequently becomes arthritic, with bone spur formation and loss of cartilage between the bones. This can cause pain in the top of the shoulder with overhead movement or reaching across the body. It can also cause tenderness or pain with pressure, such as from a back pack or bra strap.

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    • Joint Disorders
    • Shoulder
    • Sports Medicine

    Shoulder Dislocation

    A dislocated shoulder occurs when the head of the upper arm bone (humerous) is either partially or completely out of its socket (glenoid). Whether it is a partial dislocation (subluxation) or the shoulder is completely dislocated, the result can be pain and unsteadiness in the shoulder.

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    • Diagnostics & Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

    Traditional X-RAY, CT Scan, MRI

    Diagnostic imaging techniques are often used to provide a clear view of bones, organs, muscles, tendons, nerves and cartilage inside the body, enabling physicians to make an accurate diagnosis and determine the best options for treatment. The most common of these include: traditional and digital X-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

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